AMD’s Radeon RX 7900 XT and RX 7900 XTX made their debut in December 2022. They’re high-end cards made with the most powerful RDNA 3 GPU: Navi 31. Flagship cards are always the first to release, and normally, the next GPU to be released would be one tier lower. Not this time, though.
The next card to be released was the Navi 33-based RX 7600, a full five months later than the RX 7900 cards. Where the heck are Navi 32-based RX 7800 cards? They remain conspicuously absent. There could be any number of reasons why. Maybe AMD isn’t happy with the performance, or the GPU needed a re-spin, or there was some unexpected errata. We’ll probably never know.
While we wait for Navi 32 cards, Igor’s Lab undertook an interesting experiment. He took AMD’s Radeon Pro W7800 graphics card, disabled half of its 32GB of memory and tweaked the power limits in order to simulate what to expect from a hypothetical RX 7800 XT.
Before looking at the results, it’s important to remember that t…